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CGPA to Marks

cgpa to marks

CGPA to Marks (out of 100) Calculator

If you want to study abroad, you need to know how to calculate your CGPA to marks. Different countries have different classification systems or arrangements. Sometimes, CGPA is accepted, or students are asked to accumulate marks for admission. You must report your scores on the specific marking scale used by the university.

Please remember that different countries and universities might use different tables to convert CGPA to marks. Some of them may use a 4.0 scale, some use a 5.0 scale, and others may use a 10.0 scale system.

Steps to Convert CGPA to Percentage Marks

Step 1: Find your transcript or any official document that shows your CGPA. You also need to know the grading scale used by your university (e.g., 4-point scale or 10-point scale).

Step 2: This step depends on your university’s grading scale. The most common conversion methods are:

For the 4-point scale: Multiply your CGPA by 25 (CGPA X 25)

And For the 10-Point Scale: Multiply your CGPA by 9.5 (CGPA X 9.5)

For example: 

Calculate 8.5 CGPA into Marks

If total Marks are 500, then follow these steps

8.5*9.5= 80.5%

80.5%/100 =0.805

0.805*500 = 402.5

Convert C.G.P.A to Marks (10-Point Scale)

CGPA Percentage (%) Total Marks
10 95% 475
9.8 93.1% 465.5
9.5 90.25% 451.25
9 85.5% 427.5
8.7 82.65% 413.25
8.5 80.75% 403.75
8 76% 380
7.5 71.25% 356.25

Percentage to GPA Calculator

Convert C.G.P.A to Marks (4-Point Scale)

CGPA Percentage (%) Total Marks
4 75% 300
3.5 65% 260
3 55% 220
2.5 45% 180
2 35% 140
1.5 25% 100
1 15% 60
0.5 5% 20
0 0% 0

Conversion of Marks to Grades:

Score Range Grade Value Grade
90-100 A+ Excellent
80-89 A Good
70-79 B+ Satisfactory
60-69 B Acceptable
50-59 C Marginal
0-49 F Fail

Why calculate CGPA into marks?

Students can easily find the CGPA displayed on their transcripts, but they need help understanding the total marks. It is required at the time of admission to higher education. It is also helpful to mention the scores in some interviews to shortlist the candidates. Students have to fill in the percentage of total marks in the application form for admission.


You can easily convert C.G.P.A to Marks using these simple steps mentioned below:
Multiply your CGPA by 9.5 points to get percentage marks.
Divide the percentage point by 100.
Then multiply the result by the total number of whole marks.
Now, you will get the full marks by converting the CGPA.

A CGPA between 9.5 and 10 grade points are considered the maximum CGPA mark.

CGPA evaluates your performance across semesters or the entire program, providing an overall assessment. The percentage usually reflects your performance in a course or exam. CGPA presents a broader picture, while percentages provide more detailed information on specific subjects.

Yes, it is possible to convert your GPA into marks, and it will depend on your grading system and the total number of courses. You can use this simple and easy formula to calculate.
Marks = GPA multiplied by Total Credit Hours

Here is the method to calculate a CGPA of 85%; we can multiply it by 9.5, which will be an 8.95 CGPA.

Using this method:

Percentage / 9.5

For 85%:

85 / 9.5 = 8.95